Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

NPM    :14210353


On Friday August 7, 1981 , they opened the first computer with the name of education Computer Science Education Program ( PPIK ) which accommodates 91 students . And on Monday, August 10, 1981 , pertamapun lecture begins . Even this growing college that requires a more robust container . On Thursday , June 21 , 1984, the name Gunadarma chosen to make the name of the high school . On Monday , July 9, 1984, the Foundation for the Development and Operation Research System Analyst renamed Mathematics Education Foundation Gunadarma . A day later , on Tuesday , July 10, 1984 date , through Decree Gunadarma Education Foundation , officially inaugurated Gunadarma name into the high school into High School Computer Gunadarma ( STKG ) . STKG start memproleh progress quite rapidly . On Saturday , dated October 5, 1985 , through the Minister of Education and Culture No. . 0424/0/1985 , the high school expressed Registered status with a new name School of Information Management and Computer Gunadarma ( STMIK Gunadarma ) . Along with STMIK Gunadarma STIE status Gunadarma also made ​​progress . Obtain the status of Registered status is recognized and then Status Likened .
In 1996 the institution that made
​​it to the extent that had long aspired . By Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No.92/KEP / DIKTI/1996 , dated 3 April 1996 . Institutions that successfully confirmed as Gunadarma University ( UG ) . Meaning and Coat Gunadarma University ;
 Stalk Torch Stand Tall : It symbolizes the determination to donate Nusa dharma and devotion to the Nation .
 cup torch which widens and Concave : Is a container of extensive knowledge and profound .
 Inferno the Golden Yellow : Indicates the fighting spirit that never goes out in their studies and donate it to the public .
 Shape the Color Purple Circle : It is a geometric shape that characterizes the science elaborated and developed .
 Frame aspect Five : Stating that Gunadarma University based on the principle of Pancasila .

Vision and Mission of the University Gunadarma
In 2012 the University became the University Gunadarma based leading information and communication technology in Indonesia, whose contributions in the fields of education , research , and community service are recognized ( recognized companies ) , both at regional and international levels
1 . Organizing higher education based on information technology and communication quality in order to enhance the nation's competitiveness .
2 . Creating an academic environment that supports the implementation of international research activities and beneficial to the welfare of mankind .
3 . Organizing community service activities as a manifestation of social responsibility equivalent institution ( university social responsibility) .
4 . Organizing cooperation with various institutions , both at home and abroad.
5 . Developing institutional organization in order to respond to various changes occurring .

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